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The Lathe of Heaven (1980)
The Lathe of Heaven(in Hollywood Movies) The Lathe of Heaven (1980) - Download Movie for mobile in best quality 3gp and mp4 format. Also stream The Lathe of Heaven on your mobile, tablets and ipads
Plot: George Orr, a man whose dreams can change waking reality, tries to suppress this unpredictable gift with drugs. Dr. Haber, an assigned psychiatrist, discovers the gift to be real and hypnotically induces Mr. Orr to change reality for the benefit of mankind --- with bizarre and frightening results. Runtime: 105 min Release Date: 09 Jan 1980 Starcast: Bruce Davison, Peyton E. Park, Niki Flacks, Kevin Conway, Vandi Clark Director(s): Fred Barzyk, David R. Loxton Genre: Sci-Fi, IMDb: Downloads: 3072.0 IMDb Rating: 7.1/10 (2893 votes) Social: Tweet
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